Home » EcoDefender » Sail to Campus
The Indonesian ocean has an area of 3.2 million square kilometers or covers 62 percent of the total area of Indonesia, with a coastline of 81 thousand kilometers. Likewise, the greatness of Indonesia’s oceans also have various problems that threaten their sustainability. Our seas are not doing well.
Pollution; illegal, excessive and destructive fishing practices; pollution of plastic waste and household waste; the change of coastal functions; mangrove deforestation; and the invasion of irresponsible tourists are some of the real problems that befell the Indonesian oceans. Damage to ecosystems not only makes the panorama of the sea and beaches unsightly, but also endangers the living creatures in them and harms the people who make the sea as their source of livelihood.
Armed with the passion for saving the oceans, the Sail to Campus program seeks to invite young people among students to support policies in making healthy oceans through sustainable practices. Sail to Campus raised various interesting and important topics about the proper marine management with trusted and competent sources from policy makers, non-governmental organizations, to students. Sail to Campus is a learning platform for the youth to get to know the Indonesian seas better and the actions needed to care for it.
The Sail to Campus program has anchored in 10 campuses in various regions in Indonesia and will continue to sail to invite young people to defend our oceans.
Hampir seluruh wilayah di Papua Barat terletak di pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Secara geografis, wilayah ini menjadi basis sumber daya lokal bagi industri perikanan. Agar sumber daya tersebut tetap terjaga, gerakan-gerakan diplomatis oleh kaum muda menjadi kebutuhan penting untuk tujuan perlindungan dan keberlanjutannya. Pada Mei 2021, 18 pemuda mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan School of Eco Diplomacy (SED) di Kabupaten Kaimana, Provinsi Papua Barat, selama 5 hari. Dalam kegiatan ini, mereka menyelami kearifan Tanah Papua yang melihat hutan, laut dan manusia sebagai hubungan yang erat.