we have to be more wise to put the economic and nature conservation a side.. I believe that nature will lead us to much better ways if we try to be more wise… hope government willing to realize that..
Home » defendingparadise » we have to be more
we have to be more wise to put the economic and nature conservation a side.. I believe that nature will lead us to much better ways if we try to be more wise… hope government willing to realize that..
The forests of Papua and Maluku and the unique plants and animals that dwell there, Birds-of-paradise included, are ecological treasures that should be protected to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance.
You have paradise. Please take good care of it and reject any offers that will destroy it.
Thank you for working to save the birds of Paradise! They must be protected since they are living miracles!
Please just stop clearing all remaining native habitat JUST STOP!!
Life is worthy when we respect and protect the diversity, the planet is our home but not only for us but for all life on earth, the future is uncertain,
Defending Paradise is a beautiful and impactful campaign, a movement to protect our forests and their habitat in East Indonesia. Act now, niat baik harus jadi aksi baik!
I like nature as well as animals
I’ve been fascinated by the Birds of Paradise since I read a beautifully illustrated 1950s article about them in National Geographic over 50 years ago. I continue to avidly follow
Hello, I am an Indonesian working and living in Singapore. I thank you for all the wonderful conservation and raising awareness work that you have done ! We have to
H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
Je supporte les bird of paradise comme je supporte l’ensemble de la faune et de la flore parce que nous devrions tous le faire, nous en faisons partie intégrante.
Let’s protect birds of paradise and their habitat. They are an essential part of the Earth.
Papua’s forests must be strictly guarded. stop illegal logging in the forests of Papua.
We’ve lost so much already – we cannot afford to lose more.
I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.