We can also eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad, OUR BRAINS, to preserve whatever remains of our paradise on our only, so far, LIVING PLANET!
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We can also eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad, OUR BRAINS, to preserve whatever remains of our paradise on our only, so far, LIVING PLANET!
Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.
The birds-of-paradise are one of the great wonders of the natural world and I am fortunate to have been able to document and study them in the wild through my
Hello, I am an Indonesian working and living in Singapore. I thank you for all the wonderful conservation and raising awareness work that you have done ! We have to
If we don’t do anything to protect them, no one will ever know they existed. And more importantly protect their environment.
Living in Central Europe where the effect of human presence for many thousands of years had already minimised biodiversity, I feel an extra urge to keep the most biodiverse habitats
People of the world, think about what we have already lost, think about what we all have lost in our own countries.. And now think about what we are still
Please let’s protect in Indonesia to help protect these amazing creatures
We’ve lost so much already – we cannot afford to lose more.
Defending Paradise is a beautiful and impactful campaign, a movement to protect our forests and their habitat in East Indonesia. Act now, niat baik harus jadi aksi baik!
Hello! It is not even an option to preserve the biodiversity and natural state of this area. It’s an absolute must! In the time of a mass extinction and sever
Nice campaign on #DefendingParadise !!My greatest wish is to see one of those incredible and wonderful birds one day.We, humans, need to learn the conservancy’s importance. Urgently.Don’t give up guys
I much like natur and kind of birds and animals Jay Mahakal
To the people of indonesia: you can see all the parts of Aisa that are debeloped. What have they gained? They have gained a modern way of life of stress
Please support the areas where native birds use the forests in Tanah Papua and the Maluku Islands. These areas are habitats for birds-of-paradise and thousands of biodiversity in Indonesia.