These birds are simply nature’s wonder and should be protected so our future generations can always have such beauty to admire and appreciate.
Home » defendingparadise » These birds are simply nature’s
These birds are simply nature’s wonder and should be protected so our future generations can always have such beauty to admire and appreciate.
The Birds of Paradise, simply exist; due to the environment provided by the forests in the region (Papua and Maluku). Years and years of evolution, combined with the unique environment
Hello 👋 My name is Kahleo Thompson, I’m a 15 year old nature lover and Photographer. I’ve been amazed by the natural world since I remember when my mom would
Defending Birds-Of-Paradise is absolutely imperative, these unique majestic species of birds are no where else in the world. Every time I look at these birds, their behaviors, it amazes me
You have paradise. Please take good care of it and reject any offers that will destroy it.
Dear M.Bezos Space is ok but i’d much rather you helped save the planet we’re living on and especially that tiny part where forests and their birds make paradise alive.
Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.
We’ve lost so much already – we cannot afford to lose more.
The biodiversity of these islands is unique to nowhere else in the world. It is vital we protect them for generations to come. For the wildlife’s sake, and for humanity’s
Thank you for doing what you do. You are in the trenches fighting for all of us. Well done. Keep up the good work!
They have to kept safe!
Our world is experiencing a severe climate crisis. The only hope we have is the forests of Papua that are under threat. Imagine the worst that would happen to human
The forests of West Papua and the Maluku islands are the most intact forests left in Indonesia. With plantation and mining companies having ravished the forests in the western islands
In forest you can find a better connection without wifi.🌳💚
Such unique, beautiful birds deserve their special preserved paradise! That paradise needs to safe, sustainable and healthy. Hope we can keep all the species of birds animals, flora and fauna