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Defending Paradise

These birds are a world treasure. Nowhere is there anything like them. They are worth more Then the worth of a destroyed habitat. We must protect them

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Nice campaign on #DefendingParadise !!My greatest wish is to see one of those incredible and wonderful birds one day.We, humans, need to learn the conservancy’s importance. Urgently.Don’t give up guys

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We need to protect the rainforest not only for the birds of paradise but everyone. Once it’s gone and you realise you need it, it’s too late.

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sa sedih saat lihat hutan rusak, makanya ayo kita jaga alam biar hutan masih banyak pepohonan dan pasti indah rasanya adem dan tenang juga

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I am very happy that my Bird-of-Paradise photos and videos are being used in this EcoNusa campaign.  I believe that Birds-of-Paradise are the perfect ambassadors to bring the world’s attention

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I’ve been fascinated by the Birds of Paradise since I read a beautifully illustrated 1950s article about them in National Geographic over 50 years ago. I continue to avidly follow

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The value of forests cannot be overstated. From the oxygen we breathe to the wood we consume, we rely on forests for survival. Forests, in addition to providing habitat for

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Life is worthy when we respect and protect the diversity, the planet is our home but not only for us but for all life on earth, the future is uncertain,

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Birds-of-paradise are among the most intriguing and diverse families of birds, that truly represent the unique amalgamation of abiotic and biotics factors throughout Indonesia papua, Papua New Guinea, and eastern

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Birds of Paradise are some of my favorite creatures and they always leave me in wonder at their stunning colors, dances, and displays. These wonderful animals and their habitat must

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What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no

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Birds of paradise inspired me as a child and still today. no industrial achievement is worth trading away the natural world, save the rainforests!

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For the future of Indonesia and our planet. You said it all, thanks !

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Our world is experiencing a severe climate crisis. The only hope we have is the forests of Papua that are under threat. Imagine the worst that would happen to human

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