The biodiversity of these islands is unique to nowhere else in the world. It is vital we protect them for generations to come. For the wildlife’s sake, and for humanity’s sake.
Home » defendingparadise » The biodiversity of these islands
The biodiversity of these islands is unique to nowhere else in the world. It is vital we protect them for generations to come. For the wildlife’s sake, and for humanity’s sake.
Rainforests must be protected if Birds of Paradise and other wildlife are to remain on this planet. Our humanity will be diminished if we allow these species to disappear.
Papua and Maluku is Indonesia’s Treasure, menjaga nya sudah pasti adalah kewajiban orang indonesia.
The forests of Papua and Maluku and the unique plants and animals that dwell there, Birds-of-paradise included, are ecological treasures that should be protected to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance.
gerakan #DefendingParadise ini sangat baik di tengah minimnya kesadaran para generasi muda untuk menjaga alam yang kita miliki. sudah saatnya kita membuka wawasan dan pikiran, betapa pentingnya menjaga hutan yang
Defending Paradise is a beautiful and impactful campaign, a movement to protect our forests and their habitat in East Indonesia. Act now, niat baik harus jadi aksi baik!
Save the inhabitants to all the birds og Paradise 🙌🏼
Tetap menjaga dan melindungi burung surga ini (burung cendrawasih), jangan memburu dan menjual-belikan???
We simply must do everything we can to protect Papua and Maluku Rainforest and the incredible wildlife that calls it home. We owe it to these beautiful creatures to honour
I support
They’re one of my favorite birds ever, and they have a special place in my heart. They just make me happy!
The Birds of Paradise, simply exist; due to the environment provided by the forests in the region (Papua and Maluku). Years and years of evolution, combined with the unique environment
You have paradise. Please take good care of it and reject any offers that will destroy it.
Please support the areas where native birds use the forests in Tanah Papua and the Maluku Islands. These areas are habitats for birds-of-paradise and thousands of biodiversity in Indonesia.
Debemos proteger a quienes están a nuestro cuidado, ellas son muy importantes para la vida, son tan hermosas, salvemos su hogar!!