Semoga tidak terjadi pengrusakan seperti di Kalimantan
شکریہ انُ سب کا جو پرندوں کا خیال رکھتے ہیں اگر ہم پرندوں کی ختم ہوتی اقسام کی فکر نہیں کریں گے تو ایک دن دنیا کی تمام خوبصورتی کھو
Home » defendingparadise » Semoga tidak terjadi pengrusakan seperti
Semoga tidak terjadi pengrusakan seperti di Kalimantan
شکریہ انُ سب کا جو پرندوں کا خیال رکھتے ہیں اگر ہم پرندوں کی ختم ہوتی اقسام کی فکر نہیں کریں گے تو ایک دن دنیا کی تمام خوبصورتی کھو
Semoga tidak terjadi pengrusakan seperti di Kalimantan
gerakan #DefendingParadise ini sangat baik di tengah minimnya kesadaran para generasi muda untuk menjaga alam yang kita miliki. sudah saatnya kita membuka wawasan dan pikiran, betapa pentingnya menjaga hutan yang
To an invalid like me, your work is dream fulfilling! Thank you.
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Happy to support EcoNusa and the Defending Paradise campaign. We love the amazing Birds-of-Paradise!
In forest you can find a better connection without wifi.🌳💚
I speak up in support of the rainforests of Tanah Papua and the Maluku Islands. The beautiful and unique beings of these islands must remain as they are for our
Love nature! Love birds! Love paradise! En
These birds of paradise are so beautiful and unique creations of God that they should be a considered a treasure by the entire world. And every effort must be done
keep birds from extinction
You have paradise. Please take good care of it and reject any offers that will destroy it.
These incredible animals have survived for thousands of years and it would be tragic to lose them due to destruction of their habitat.
The Bird of Paradise is the icon of the last paradise on earth. We must defend it and its land..the forests and the sea of papua are the most pristine
The forests of West Papua and the Maluku islands are the most intact forests left in Indonesia. With plantation and mining companies having ravished the forests in the western islands