Keep the Forests safe and the Birds of Paradise alive
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Keep the Forests safe and the Birds of Paradise alive
Lets save our earth. Jadikan Bumi sebagian dari diri kita. Jaga bumi tetap lestari agar hidup kita tercukupi. Mulailah dari hal yang kecil dan mudah. Jangan biarkan bumi So Hot,
These birds are a world treasure. Nowhere is there anything like them. They are worth more Then the worth of a destroyed habitat. We must protect them
Please continue to remind people of how important the forest is, not only for the sake of globalisation, but also to think of it as other creatures’ home. Enough destruction
keep birds from extinction
Thank you for working to protect the birds of paradise! They are the most amazing birds on Earth and their protection is absolutely necessary! They are MIRACLES!Let me know when
Encomiable labor, es necesario unirse para evitar la extinción de las especies, que tritemente no sabemos respetar ni valorar. Por la vida siempre, gracias.
Thank you for working to save the birds of Paradise! They must be protected since they are living miracles!
Cendrawasih is not just an animal but it’s a part of our lives. They are our identity. We can’t lose them. So, Let’s protect our rainforest as a home of
Save the inhabitants to all the birds og Paradise 🙌🏼
For saving each species(strain) and maintain a biodiversity we should support each other
Tanah Papua dan Maluku kaya dengan keindahan alamnya terutama habitat cendrawasih dan habitat unik lainnya yang terdapat di dalam hutannya. Dengan kesadaran diri, mari kita bersama menjaga agar terhindar dari
I support saving the habitat for birds of paradise with my whole heart. I have done bird protection work in the past and would be interested in doing fieldwork as
Jaga hutan untuk kehidupan masa depan.
I like get information
I want to help protect the rainforests