If we don’t do anything to protect them, no one will ever know they existed. And more importantly protect their environment.
Home » defendingparadise » If we don’t do anything
If we don’t do anything to protect them, no one will ever know they existed. And more importantly protect their environment.
Please save the forest in order to save the rare birds!
Please let us defend this beautiful habitat.
The family of the Birds of paradise it’s, by far, one of the most unique and superb family of birds that exist on this planet. There habitat must be conserved,
Thank you for working to protect the birds of paradise! They are the most amazing birds on Earth and their protection is absolutely necessary! They are MIRACLES!Let me know when
It is vital that we protect the Earth’s wild places, especially the rainforests of Indonesia, their incredible birds of paradise, and all of their irreplaceable biodiversity. Thank you to EcoNusa
I support
I appreciate your efforts and am rooting for your endeavors to be a great success.
This is the time to do everything we can to save our planet and the beautiful creatures that inhabit it. We only have one Earth and we must protect it!
Cendrawasih is not just an animal but it’s a part of our lives. They are our identity. We can’t lose them. So, Let’s protect our rainforest as a home of
Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.
Tanah Papua dan Maluku kaya dengan keindahan alamnya terutama habitat cendrawasih dan habitat unik lainnya yang terdapat di dalam hutannya. Dengan kesadaran diri, mari kita bersama menjaga agar terhindar dari
Tetap menjaga dan melindungi burung surga ini (burung cendrawasih), jangan memburu dan menjual-belikan???
Protect the vital habitats and ecosystems in Papua, the last truly wild frontier left on our planet.Save the incredible birds of paradise for future generations to marvel at and appreciate.
Happy to support EcoNusa and the Defending Paradise campaign. We love the amazing Birds-of-Paradise!
What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no