I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.
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I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.
We simply must do everything we can to protect Papua and Maluku Rainforest and the incredible wildlife that calls it home. We owe it to these beautiful creatures to honour
I like get information
It’s like someone goes to your house then walk into your family then just we claim it then your violence as trespassing on their land but your the bad person
Let’s take part to protect our Paradise! #DefendingParadise
It is vital that we protect the Earth’s wild places, especially the rainforests of Indonesia, their incredible birds of paradise, and all of their irreplaceable biodiversity. Thank you to EcoNusa
Great work
I hope by defending paradise, it may keep the paradise bird awake and not extinct… Thank you ☺️
The incredible beauty and diversity that makes up the rain forest must be safeguarded. It is precious and unique and a vital part of our world.
Tak akan terjdi kerusakan alam kecuali oleh manusia. Saya ingin jadi bagian dari pemelihara kelestariannya
gerakan #DefendingParadise ini sangat baik di tengah minimnya kesadaran para generasi muda untuk menjaga alam yang kita miliki. sudah saatnya kita membuka wawasan dan pikiran, betapa pentingnya menjaga hutan yang
i take part in defending paradise. nature is the key to our future. we should act together to protect nature in Papua and Maluku. @arkadius_idola
Birds of Paradise are some of my favorite creatures and they always leave me in wonder at their stunning colors, dances, and displays. These wonderful animals and their habitat must
Save Bird of Paradise Save forest Save NATUREIt means save HUMAN.
I don’t have words for how seeing the birds of paradise makes me feel, I think I feel very jealous. I know it’s difficult to balance human needs with those