I support this initiative because I want this world to be a better place for all spicies.
Home » defendingparadise » I support this initiative because
I support this initiative because I want this world to be a better place for all spicies.
I say this whole heartedly that we are born in this Earth to do something good. Each and every person is special and we must do everything we can to
The forests of West Papua and the Maluku islands are the most intact forests left in Indonesia. With plantation and mining companies having ravished the forests in the western islands
Save the inhabitants to all the birds og Paradise 🙌🏼
I hope these birds be allowed to remain on these islands for future generations to admire.
To the people of indonesia: you can see all the parts of Aisa that are debeloped. What have they gained? They have gained a modern way of life of stress
These birds are simply nature’s wonder and should be protected so our future generations can always have such beauty to admire and appreciate.
Save the birds-of-surfer’s-paradise!!!
Fantastic work! Love watching your videos of the beautiful and unique birds of paradise. We were lucky to witness several birds in the eastern highlands. They truly are magnificent. Keep
Defending forests is defending is life! Congratulations and good luck!
Ayo tong jaga hutan biar de masih adem, sejuk, nyaman, dan enak ditinggal buat kitong
Ayo jaga hutan sebagai tempat/habitat hewan-hewan dan juga hutan agar udaranya masih segar.
please protect the forest where the birds of paradise live and depend on the specific environment to survive. they are only found in small areas and removing habitat will endanger
Birds of paradise crack me up. I mean, look at them dance. I wish humans courted in the same way. Just imagine what fun we’d have. And their forests, their
Adding my support to this important issue. Having seen these forests and birds firsthand, this priceless part of our precious planet must be preserved.