Birds of paradise inspired me as a child and still today. no industrial achievement is worth trading away the natural world, save the rainforests!
Home » defendingparadise » Birds of paradise inspired me
Birds of paradise inspired me as a child and still today. no industrial achievement is worth trading away the natural world, save the rainforests!
I hope rainforest Papua and Maluku stay always natural, and we can still see the birds of paradise.
The birds of paradise are a beacon of hope for all biodiversity in the world. These incredible animals represent one of the last remaining wildernesses on our planet. To protect
We are losing so many species every day. Let’s not destroy this small piece of paradise.
If we don’t do anything to protect them, no one will ever know they existed. And more importantly protect their environment.
I hope by defending paradise, it may keep the paradise bird awake and not extinct… Thank you ☺️
Je supporte les bird of paradise comme je supporte l’ensemble de la faune et de la flore parce que nous devrions tous le faire, nous en faisons partie intégrante.
Life is worthy when we respect and protect the diversity, the planet is our home but not only for us but for all life on earth, the future is uncertain,
Cendrawasih is not just an animal but it’s a part of our lives. They are our identity. We can’t lose them. So, Let’s protect our rainforest as a home of
H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
Nice campaign on #DefendingParadise !!My greatest wish is to see one of those incredible and wonderful birds one day.We, humans, need to learn the conservancy’s importance. Urgently.Don’t give up guys
I send my support for Papua and Maluku rainforest sustainability. It is essential for our planet’s ability to sustain life. The fools in corporate and governmental positions of power internationally
As the name says, it’s paradise – how can we even think of destroying it! All the best in your endeavour to protect it….
I hope these birds be allowed to remain on these islands for future generations to admire.
The land of birds of paradise is a planet’s sanctuary of biodiversity, wisdom of animal evolution, wonder and beauty. It is Nature at it’s best, we have to preserve this