To provide common understanding and collaboration among stakeholders and governments at district, province, and national levels in eastern Indonesia, particularly Papua and Maluku, EcoNusa has appointed an engagement advisor group which will provide strategic direction for local, regional, and national policymaker in support of sustainable development. We support stakeholders at all levels prioritizatizing the needs, strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. The planning process itself will align with the existing or planned regional development planning.
There are three levels of engagement that EcoNusa focuses on, namely district, provincial, and national levels. At the district level, EcoNusa provides technical training and assistance to local communities on participatory mapping of the customary territories. This is a part of the strategy for local communities to get recognition and designation of customary land and indigenous people from the regional and central authorities. At the provincial level, we facilitate the acceleration of the development process in Papua and Maluku. This includes developing a joint strategy among stakeholders so that the Papua development agenda can be translated into regional policies and can be effectively implemented and monitored. This stems from the need to bridge local government initiatives in Papua with the central government and vice versa. Meanwhile, at the national level, the group will facilitate the communication between the central governments, civil society, donors, and other stakeholders working in Papua who share similar concerns about development in the region.