
The Recognition Decree for Customary Law Communities and Customary Territories Has Been Signed

After a relentless struggle since 2021, the indigenous communities of the Tehit Mlaqya and Nakin Onim Fayas sub-tribes have finally secured official recognition of their ancestral lands. This milestone was achieved with the official signing of the Decree (SK) for the Recognition and Protection of Customary Law Communities (MHA) and Territories by the Secretary of South Sorong, Ir. Dance Nauw, SP. M. Si. IPM, on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

The decree acknowledges a vast customary territory spanning 53,916 hectares, with 50,136 hectares designated for the Nakin Onim Fayas sub-tribe and 3,780 hectares for the Tehit Mlaqya sub-tribe. It signifies the local government’s official recognition of the identity and cultural significance of these customary law communities, essential for safeguarding their rich heritage and time-honored traditions.

This ratification formally affirms the rights of indigenous communities to their identity and culture. The enduring struggle of the Tehit Mlaqya and Nakin Onim Fayas sub-tribes stands as a beacon of inspiration for preserving forests as invaluable natural resources and upholding the identity, culture, and rights of indigenous peoples.

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