
Plastic-Free Picnic: Celebrating “Plastic Free July” with Real Action!

Plastic-Free Parade was initiated in response to the plastic waste problem in Indonesia, which has spread not only on land but also in the sea. The initiators of this event include Indorelawan, WALHI, Greenpeace Indonesia, Divers Clean Action, Dietplastik Indonesia, EcoNusa, Pandu Laut, and Pulau Plastik.

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, in celebration of “Plastic Free July,” the Plastic-Free Parade returns for its fifth year, this time transforming into the Plastic-Free Picnic. This event will feature a variety of activities, including workshops, discussion showcases, and many other entertaining attractions. The Plastic-Free Picnic aims to reduce the use of single-use plastics, which are a major source of environmental pollution. Participants are required not to bring or use single-use plastics and are encouraged to bring reusable eating and drinking utensils. By doing so, we can collectively reduce the negative impact of single-use plastics on the environment.

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