The Indigenous Meeting for the Formation of the Tambrauw Indigenous Community Institution (Musdat-Lemata) took place from 18 to 21 January 2023. The opening of this event was attended by: Special Staff of the President (Ms. Ohe), Head of Monitoring & Evaluation of Special Autonomy data for the provincial regional secretariat. West Papua (Mr. Vitalis Yumte S.Pd., M.Ling), West Papua MRP Representative, Regional Secretary of Tambrauw Regency, Papuan Anthropologist (Doctor Hendro Likito, M.Hum), Unipa Academician (Dr. Yafet Syufi, S.S., M. Hum), Former Secretary General of Aman (Mr. Abdon Nababan), Chairman of the Karoon Indigenous Peoples’ Organization (Yulius Mirino), Head of BRIN, Assistant 1 for Southwest Papua, Former Tambrauw Regent (Gabriel Asem), Secretary of Doberai (Sakarias Horota), Chair of the Committee ( Paulus Baru) as well as several members of the DPR Kab. Tambrauw.