
EcoNusa’s involvement in the 2nd Coastal and Small Island Community Summit

The waters of Eastern Indonesia which are located within the coral triangle are home to 76% of the world’s coral reef species and are home to many types of fish. However, coastal communities and small islands in this region face various challenges, such as poverty, rising sea levels and mining. EcoNusa Foundation participated in the 2nd Coastal and Small Islands People Summit in Jakarta on 7-9 September 2023, along with 17 other members of Jaring Nusa. Apart from holding a national seminar attended by government officials, academics and civil society organizations, at the meeting, Jaring Nusa members voiced out inputs related to Maritime Vision which have stated in Indonesia’s Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045. 22 points related to 5 issues on maritime vision were agreed among all members towards the government.

Text: Nur Alfiyah | Photo: Moch. Fikri

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