Friday, 15 May 2020

At present, most people in Indonesia only recognize “Buah Merah” as a medicinal plant from the Land of Papua. In fact, Papua stores a variety of medicinal plants that can be used as natural medicines. At least, there are 15,000 types of medicinal plants that are believed to cure various diseases.
Among these, there are also types of medicinal plants that are able to increase body immunity and of course are useful for maintaining health during the COVID-19 pandemic. What plants from Papua can be used as medicine? Which medicinal plants can increase body immunity? What are the obstacles to the sustainable management of medicinal plants in Tanah Papua?
Come on, find out by joining the EcoNusa Foundation Online Discussion Series with the theme “Strengthening the Immune of the Body with Papuan Medicinal Plants” which will be held on:
?️ Friday, May 15, 2020
⏰ 13.00 WIB
?: ZOOM & Youtube (Econusa TV)
By presenting 4 speakers, namely:
1. Prof. Dr. Charlie D Heatubun, Head of Balitbangda of West Papua Province
2. Prof. Dr. Ir Ervizal AM Zuhud, Lecturer in Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity, IPB University.
3. Dr. Lisye Iriana Zebua, MSi, Ethnobotany Lecturer, Biology Department, Cenderawasih University
4. Dr. Simon Sutarno, S. Hut, M.Sc, Lecturer in Ethnobiology, Department of Biology, University of Papua
And moderated by Jimmy F Wanma, S. Hut., M.Sc, Researcher of the Regional Research and Development Agency, West Papua Province.