Monday, 22 June 2020

What are the Challenges of the Protection and Recognition of Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Territories in Indonesia?
WRI Indonesia Regional Papua in collaboration with the Customary Territory Registration Agency (BRWA), the Papua Non-Governmental Organization Cooperation Forum (FOKER) NGOs and the EcoNusa Foundation will present the Papua Land Study Circle 1 Discussion Series which will discuss Macro / National Policies with the theme: “Policy Challenges Recognition of Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Territories in Indonesia. “
Inviting 3 speakers namely:
1. Prof. Jawahir Thontowi, S.H., Ph.D. (Legal Expert – Sociologist of Indonesian Islamic University): “Protection and Recognition of Indigenous Peoples and their challenges in Indonesian Law”
2. Dr. Rikardo Simarmata (Agrarian and Traditional Law Expert at Gajah Mada University): “Agrarian and Land Policy in Indonesia and its influence on the recognition of Indigenous Peoples and Territories”
3. Abdon Nababan (Deputy Chair of the AMAN National Council): “Reflection of the policy from the level of practice and the urgency of the MHA Act towards recognition of the MHA and Indigenous Territories”
And moderated by Rakhmat Hidayat as Manager of Social Forestry & Conflict Transformation of WRI Indonesia.
This discussion will be held online through Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided via email after registering. Registration link: Contact person: Daniel 085238317085