
Development and Options for Follow-Up Evaluation of Palm Oil Plantation Licensing in West Papua

Thursday, 14 May 2020

The provinces of Papua and West Papua have declared the construction of a regional-based agreement in the Land of Papua through the ‘Manokwari Declaration’ signed on 7 October 2018.

These efforts are a form of support for the oil moratorium and the Natural Resource Rescue Movement (GNPSDA). Of course, it is important to follow up this process jointly, both by the government and development partners.

Want to know the continued development of the evaluation in West Papua Province, the follow-up strategy of the results of the evaluation of oil palm plantations, and good plantation management for the community around the concession area and the former concession area?

Join the Online Discussion Series of the EcoNusa Foundation with the theme “Development and Options for Follow-Up Evaluation of Palm Oil Plantation Licensing in West Papua” which will be held on:
?️ Thursday, May 14, 2020
⏰ 10.00 WIB 
?: ZOOM & Youtube (Econusa TV)

Registration: bit.ly/ListLicenseReview01

By inviting 4 speakers, namely:
1. Benidiktus H. Wijayanto, SP., M.Sc, Head of Plantation for West Papua’s TPHB Service
2. Sulistyanto, Researcher of KPK 
3. Nur Amalia, Public Lawyer and Environmental Activist
4. Amos Sumbung, PJ Greenpeace Program in Sira & Manggroholo South Sorong Forest Forest

And moderated by Cindy Simangunsong as Policy Manager and Advocacy for the EcoNusa Foundation.

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