Friday, 29 May 2020

Want to know how the development of commitments and the implementation of sustainable development in the Land of Papua? How do existing environmental funding schemes prioritize justice for indigenous Papuans who maintain the preservation of Papua’s forests?
To answer this, PAPUA LAND LEARNING CIRCLE held an online discussion with the theme, “Commitment to Sustainable Development and Opportunities for Financing Forest Conservation in Papua”, which will be implemented on:
?️ Friday, May 29, 2020
⏰ 12.00 WIB | 14:00 WITA
(The zoom link will be sent via email after registering).
The discussion presented resource persons:
1. Dr. Ir. Noak Kapisa, M.Sc, Chairperson of the Papua Regional Commission on Climate Change and Sustainable Development.
2. Prof. Dr. Charlie D. Heatubun, S. Hut, M.Sc., Head of the Balitbangda of West Papua Province
3. Abetnego Tarigan, Plt. Deputy II of the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia
4. Dr. Nirarta Samadhi, Director of WRI Indonesia
5. Bustar Maitar, CEO of the EcoNusa Foundation
Register yourself now, let’s go! Registration can be done via the link above.