Time goes by when it takes us all to the end of year. Numerous happenings took place along the year 2022. Covid-19 pandemic has been flattening. At least the positivity cases and mortality rates could be minimized. This is thanks to the collective awareness among the people and government in response to the pandemic, despite the multiple mutation of various virus variants.
On the other hand, the frequency of natural disasters like flooding, drought, landslide, earthquake have been intensified. Season could hardly be predictable. Not to mention the material and live losses arising from the disasters. The vanished livelihood, dwellings, are seemingly to be common occurrences.
The new normal ambiance has been disappearing upon noting that life has nearly been back to normal as it used to be prior to the pandemic. The pulsating social, economic, political, and cultural lives have been back to normal.
In the political context, this country is now busy preparing for the political year gearing up for the 2024 general election. Political figures, political parties, compete for the fastest race to nominate their candidates for Indonesian leader following the end of President Jokowi’s leadership.
Meanwhile, on the other part of the globe, Russia has been aggressively combating Ukraine which is busy defending its dignity as a nation. Global peace has been torn down by such a war. The world harmony is split into Western Bloc and Eastern Bloc on behalf of political solidarity and vested interests.
In the geopolitics perspective, Indonesia as the non-block state makes every effort to be on neutral stance among those polarization. Free and active political stance has led Indonesia to its recognized existence and role. It is no wonder that Indonesia, as the emerging economy with its consolidating democracy, got the trust to lead the presidency of the advanced countries’ G20.
In terms of geoeconomics, the Russian – Ukrainian war has had a serious impact not only to the developed countries like Europe but also Indonesia. The war has disrupted the food and energy global supplies. Global oil price has been skyrocketing. Consequently, it affects the manufacturing and processing industries.
Global recession has haunted the globe due to economic uncertainty. However, when many developed countries suffer from the skyrocketing inflation rate, the Indonesian economy has quite robust fundamentals. Indonesia has been favored by the mounting commodity prices due to global geopolitics and disrupted global supply chain from the Russian – Ukrainian conflict. This is supported by the rising non-oil and gas export from the natural resources-based commodities such as CPO and coal.
However, we might not be self-satisfied. Economic uncertainty in 2023 could have happened. It would be better if Indonesia prepares necessary measures and strategic policy in anticipation that the global recession would not mess up or obstruct the economic growth of Indonesia. Instead of bolstering economic growth, natural resources-based commodities are excessively exploited. At the end of the day, Indonesia’s nature with its forests and ocean would be put in jeopardy.
Let alone the political tension heading to the 2024 general election will prevail in 2023. The issues on ecology and democracy should not lose their echoes to make them central issues amidst the upcoming nation’s political festivity. Youngsters who would likely become the novice voters should get critical awareness that they vote for the leaders who have serious concern and commitment to some issues on democracy, ecology, and economy.
I have a dream that we are more aware that climate and environmental crises have given serious impacts to social, economic, political, and cultural lives to the country. It is time for us to adopt a so-called deep ecology philosophy as the construction of a notion to build a radical social movement to change the relations among humans and nature.
How could it be done? Like it or not, we should stay relevant by providing backups to all kinds of best initiatives performed by the government and all stakeholders concerning particularly with how to save the climate crisis-affected environment and people’s livelihood. As an institution, EcoNusa will continue its best practices that have been performed thus far. Hence, I have confidence that in 2023 our endeavor will still give meaning despite the looming global uncertainty.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023, wishing the environment will be well-sustained so as to create a peaceful and prosperous world.
Bustar Maitar