The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has issued alert on the extreme weather potential in nearly all regions in Indonesia since 29 September 2022. To date, the agency has not revoked the extreme weather alert yet. Moreover, the agency also predicts that 24 regions nationwide, ranging from west, central, to east up to Tanah Papua, have been threatened by the extreme weather with high intensity downpour with lightning and strong wind up to 21 October.
“Three or four days ago, there was typhoon in Lombok. Last year, cyclone Seroja also happened in East Nusa Tenggara. This is the form of climate crisis,” said Bustar Maitar, the CEO of EcoNusa, to the audiences of Meet Netizen of #AksiMudaJagaIklim on 14 October 2022 in Jakarta.
According to Bustar, the rising earth temperature does not simply affect the rising temperature of earth but also change the climate system that affects various aspects on natural change and human life. The rapid pace of climate change on the earth is no longer deemed a discourse. We experience the impact today.
The melting ice in the northern pole has increased the sea surface and sink many small islets. Extreme weather has caused various disasters and harmed many parties. The Covid-19 pandemic that claimed millions of lives around the globe is allegedly emerging due to the impact of ecological imbalance. Barious impact of climate crisis has evidently led various other crises, such as food, health, up to economic crises.

All happenings should have served as the alarm to all of us to participate actively in climate change mitigation. One of the efforts is done by the volunteers of Penjaga Laut (Sea Defender) who promote public initiative entitled “Youth Action to Mitigate Climate (AMJI)”. “This is the second year of AMJI, and there have so far been 96 spots of action across Indonesia, and they will continue growing,” said Yolanda Parede, the National Coordinator of Penjaga Laut.
Yolanda explained that Penjaga Laut and AMJI are the collaborative actions in which all people and communities make collective movement to protect earth and ocean. They could be manifested in various actions along with the interests, commitment, hobbies, and the needs of each region.
Some actions that will be performed by AMJi are like mangrove and tree planting, pulling out nails from trees, coral reef transplantation, underwater and land clean-up, green talks, and bootcamp.
“The actions could start from the simple ones as we believe transformation could be created from small actions which are done by many people consistently,” added Yolanda.
Making real action from ourselves consistently and calling the closest people surrounding us for good action for earth are badly needed to save earth as the only home for us. “We can play role as an green influencer for the surrounding people. It does not need to have many followers, but we do the good thing for earth consistently in such a way that such goodness is replicated by other people,” said Bustar.
Youth Action to Mitigate Climate 2022 will be held on 29 October 2022 simultaneously in all spots of action nationwide with the major spot in Tangerang Mangrove Center, Banten. There will be thousands of young people involving in this action. AMJI will not become a ceremonial event, but rather collective movement among Indonesian youths to save earth from climate crisis.
“Climate crisis does not happen in one or two days. So, we should keep actively making youth action to mitigate climate anytime anywhere,” said Yolanda.
Editor: Leo Wahyudi