
Recognizing Land, Prospering Community

Equitable and sustainable natural resources management in Tanah Papua will never be implemented without recognition of indigenous people and customary land. The recognition here is important as the existing land and natural resources define the future of indigenous people that have nurtured nature from generation to generation. 

For people in Tanah Papua, land is deemed a mother who provides source of life. Therefore, no land has no owner. Every land ownership in the land of Cenderawasih has been divided into clans. 

“We seek life in the forest”

scroll Gidion Kilme "Customary mapping is very crucial to the community to secure customary land. Then, as the indigenous people, particularly the clan owner, they can identify their customary boundary. Those boundaries have so far been attained by the chronicles shared by the elders, ancestors that we follow up to the moment." Customary Council Chairman of Konhir District Gabriel Siget “Sago is like a bank to people in Manelek Village, Konda District. If we run out of food, we go and take sago for our meal.” Indigenous people of Manelek Village, in Konda District, South Sorong. Dominggus Mandacan “We will prioritize the areas whose licenses were formerly revoked to be returned to the indigenous people for sustainable management.” West Papua Governor (2017-2022) Silas O. Kalami “When “gelek” (clan) has strong will, there is no tough process to get recognition. All will run well as long as there is respect and thoughtfulness. This is important.”
Chief of Malamoi Indigenous People Institution (LMA)

Customary Area Mapping to Reinforce Community

Defending the remaining forests in eastern Indonesia, particularly in Tanah Papua, ensures and assures the indigenous people right to life and this is EcoNusa’s focus. The certainty of right begins from customary area and the existence of indigenous people up to the certainty in management of the existing forest and natural resources. One of the effective ways is by doing participatory mapping of customary areas to assure the boundaries of their lives sphere. 

Customary Area Mapping

Impact of Indigenous People Reinforcement

Mapped Customary Area


Mapped Customary Community


Mapped Village


Mapped District
