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Yayasan Ekosistem Nusantara Berkelanjutan (EcoNusa Foundation) was founded as a nonprofit organization on July 21, 2017 and is based in Sorong, Southwest Papua. Our ultimate goal is to promote sustainable and equitable management of the natural resource-rich regions in eastern Indonesia. Each of our endeavor is designed to achieve this goal, while strengthening local and international initiatives despite the looming threats in those regions.
Connecting stakeholders
EcoNusa encourages the development and capacity building of civil society groups, while developing relevant strategies and facilitating advocacy, campaigns, communication, and stakeholder engagement efforts. With this collaborative effort, we also introduce the sovereignty values of natural resource management and conservation to all stakeholders including policymakers at the regional and national levels.
Upholding the values of sovereignty and sustainability
To uphold sovereignty and sustainability values, we promote best practices of environmental protection and sustainable natural resource management based on equitable principles through concrete actions along with local communities. We also ensure that the local development and community empowerment could provide valuable benefit the indigenous communities and their livelihood resources.
Chairman Board of Trustee, Activist
Member Board of Trustee, Banker and Economist
Member Board of Trustee, Academia and Papuan Community Leader
Member Board of Trustee, Musician
Supervisor of the Foundation, Activist and Lawyer
Foundation Treasure and Operation Director
Foundation Secretary and Papua Bird Head Regional Manager
Papua Regional Manager
Maluku Archipelago Regional Manager
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager
Finance Manager
Communication Manager
Digital Development Manager
Head of Kaimana Office
Head Office Manokwari
Head Office South Sorong
Marine and Fisheries Coordinator
Policy and Advocacy Engagement Officer
Program Associate
Policy, Advocacy, and Youth
Head of Regional Business Development of Tanah Papua
Finance and Administration
Government and Community Relations
Creative Designer
Administration and Operations Officer
Community Organizer
Program Implementer Community, Government and Stakeholder Engagement
Administration and Operations Assistant
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer
Business Development Associate
Communication and Creative Production Officer
Head of EcoFund and Community Entrepreneurship Development
Program Associate
Administration, Operations and Logistics
Program Associate Eastern Indonesia Community Base Mangrove, Coastal and Marine
GIS and Research
Business Development and Operations (KOBUMI)
Program Associate
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer
Admin, operation and youth
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer
Program Associate
Information and Technology (IT) Officer
GIS Officer
Creative Designer
Program Associate
Administration and Operations Assistant
Communication and Creative Production Officer
Finance and Accounting Officer
Graphic Designer Lead
General Support Assistant Ocean Program
Human Resources and Administrator
Senior Operation Administration
Finance and Admin Assistant
Content Development (Consultant)
We hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of ethical behaviour and responsibility for our actions, while maintaining integrity in our performance and advocating for same in public institutions. Our purpose-driven, results-focused approach means we take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable. We believe that others should also be held accountable for their actions.
Chairman Board of Trustee, Activist
Zulfahmi has been active in various non-governmental organizations since 1997. In 2002 he and other activists established the Riau Forest Rescue Network (Jikalahari), which he led for the next five years. He was also one of the initiators of the Eyes on the Forest project in 2005. From 2007 to 2015 he served Greenpeace South East Asia as Indonesia forest campaigner team leader, during which time he solidified his expertise on High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessment, forest crime investigation, conflict resolution, lobbying / negotiation, and corporate and market campaigning. Zulfahmi also led a project team that assisted small-scale palm oil farmers on sustainability, forest monitoring and the implementation of a zero deforestation policy, as well as development of landscape management plans. He has broad experience in RSPO standards, and has been helping palm oil small holders/communities in Siak District, Riau, to implement RSPO P&C.
Member Board of Trustee, Banker and Economist
Economist and former vice president director at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Felia Salim has helped bring new innovations to the bank as a way to achieve it’s long-term goal to become a regional player. Felia’s own path to success is based on her deep experience in financial services. After getting a master’s degree at Carleton University in Canada, she started her career as a vice president at Citibank Indonesia before she became a director at the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1994 (when it was still known as the Jakarta Stock Exchange). After five years, she became the executive secretary to the Financial Sector Policy Committee before moving to the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) in 2001 as deputy chairman where she was in charge of monitoring banks under IBRA’s control. Her last position before becoming vice president director was as an independent commissioner at BNI. She is also involved in philanthropy by working with the Tifa Foundation, which promotes an open society in Indonesia.
Member Board of Trustee, Academia and Papuan Community Leader
A former Rector from Universitas Negeri Papua (UNIPA), Manokwari, Papua Barat. He’s a former Dean of the Faculty of Economics, UNIPA and the Regent of Jayapura Regency from 1991 until 2001. He finished his undergraduate and master study in Universitas Cendrawasih and Institut Pertanian Bogor, and also University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
Member Board of Trustee, Musician
He is not only a musician but also activits. Active in Orang Utan Protection Campaign, Ocean Campaign and as an ambassador for anti corruption movement, National Narcotics Commission and pluralism campaigner. Born and original from Ambon, Indonesia. Playing music since 7 years old, he is one of the best Indonesian guitarist, backing vocalist and song writer. He is best known as Slank’s guitarist. Slank is one of the biggest ever rock band in Indonesia in the last 3 decades. With Slank, Ridho has created nine studio albums and three live albums, also one compilation album which was released in May 2006. His experience in the music industry began when he formed a band called LFM in 1991, just six years before he joined Slank. After he finished his formal education, he went to Hollywood, United States, to study music at Musicians Institute to gain his musical tertiary education.
Pangawas Yayasan, Activist dan Lawyer
Sejak lulus dari Fakultas Hukum UNPAR di Bandung, Julia bergabung dengan WALHI, sebagai pengacara dan aktif mengadvokasi kasus-kasus lingkungan melalui litigasi maupun non litigasi. Julia pernah bergabung dengan lembaga konservasi KEHATI untuk mengembangkan program Advokasi Kebijakan Publik. Mengenal isu humanitarian dan pengelolaan bencana ketika bekerja dengan Oxfam Hong Kong dan Oxfam Australia. Berkesempatan ditugaskan di Timor Leste untuk menangani program Climate Change Adaptation. Sejak menekuni isu lingkungan, ia terlibat dalam beragam organisasi/jaringan seperti HuMA, INSPIRIT, Sawit Watch, Epistema, Pokja Reforma Agraria dan Perhutanan Sosial, Ecosisters, LBH APIK dsb. Terakhir ia melaksanakan program kerjasama kehutanan multipihak (MFP Phase 3) antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Pemerintah Inggris. Di waktu senggang selalu menyempatkan jalan-jalan dan minum kopi.
For over 20 years has been campaigning for social justice and environmental protection for Indonesia, working with communities on natural resources management from grassroots level to global movement. Founded the Papua base NGO, PERDU in 1998 and one of the first staff to be recruited for Greenpeace’s new office in Indonesia in 2005 and spend more than 11 years with Greenpeace to campaigning to get global zero deforestation.
Major achievement is together with Greenpeace team successfully led the organization’s efforts to work with the Indonesian government and industry to implement the May 2011 moratorium on the conversion of forests. Leading the Greenpeace International team transform top multinational customer companies and major producer companies to align with global zero deforestation efforts in their supply chain that resulting around 75% of global traded palm oil and 80% of Indonesia pulp and paper production became deforestation free products.
Active to developing the social and eco enterprise to promote community ecotourism in eastern Indonesia and supporting the local foundation in the island of Papua called Bentara Papua (www.bentarapapua.org) to generate young talent leadership on social, environmental and community entrepreneurship. Build and manage the ecotourism development initiative called “Kurabesi Nusantara” (www.kurabesiexplorer.com) that operate a wooden boat for private cruise charter and marketing the community products from eastern Indonesia.
Foundation Treasure and Operation Director
Etik Meiwati studied S1 in Economic Management at Krisnadwipayana University. Her career began with becoming a Program Officer of PT. Remdec since 1995. She has also been involved in several organizations such as Insist Yogyakarta and PT. Kawanusa. In recent years, publications related to democracy, community development and disaster management have been published. Her experience as a consultant has been ongoing since 1998 by assisting government and non-government institutions.
Foundation Secretary and Papua Bird Head Regional Manager
Vilta Biljana Bernadethe Lefaan was born in Jayapura November 1, 1991. She graduated from Pelita Harapan University in Surabaya as Bachelor of Psychology and from Atma Jaya Catholic University in Yogyakarta as Master of Administrative Law. Her book, Psychology of Law Review’s on Child Rights was published in 2018.
Vilta has 7 years experience actively involved in community development for Papuan indigenous people with various NGOs. She worked for them in Raja Ampat, South Sorong, Timika, and Asmat. Now Vilta joins Econusa as Regional Coordinator of Papua’s Bird Head which included some regencies in Western Papua. Her specifications are basic education, gender equality, community-based conservancy, and public service advocacy.
Vilta love to read and photograph besides be active in HIMPSI West Papua. Vilta founded Kambik Abhirama Semesta, an active youth community to contribute in children’s health and education at Alor NTT, Sorong, and Raja Ampat.
Vilta’s motto in her life is “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor for Papua, the promised land.” Her message for all the Papuans: we should remember that we are the keeper of Papua, our dear motherland, so we should ensure that our life is meaningful for all beings in Papua.
Papua Regional Manager
More than 7 years of experience working as an activist at Perkumpulan Sawit Watch. During that period I have worked in almost all parts of Indonesia where there are oil palm plantations and a lot of direct contact with the community, government and companies. In my previous work, I did a lot of advocacy work for the community, pushed for improvement/change in policies at local and central government and also carried out campaigns at the local, national and international levels. Now settle in Jayapura with my family.
Maluku Archipelago Regional Manager
Gadri Ramadhan Attamimi is known as Gadri. Born and raised in Ambon, Maluku Islands, he graduated from a Masters in Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Human Ecology, concentrating on Gadri studies in Coastal Communities, especially fishermen. Gadri’s career began as a volunteer at the Sahabat Pulau Foundation and was active in youth organizations such as HMI, Young Indonesia Forum (FIM), HIMAPIKANI, and FoPMI (Indonesian Student Diving Forum).
Gadri’s experience in the program of the Ministry of Youth for Sports KPN (Kapal Pemuda Nusantara) as a Program Coordinator, Researcher at PPLH-IPB and the SDI Survey Institute (Sinergi Data Indonesia), as well as Supervisor at the Marine and Fisheries Resources Monitoring Station, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), brought Gadri to joined the EcoNusa Foundation. Formerly Gadri is Ocean Program Staff, as Coordinator of Advocacy and Marine Policy for the EcoNusa Foundation. Now Gadri served as Maluku Archipelago Regional Coordinator.
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager
Experienced working in the fisheries sector, community development, and fisheries certification, Bachori has developed himself with flexibility and resourcefulness to deal with various stakeholders in the industry. Working with various donors and partners got him the chance to be involved in the multi-national environment.
Communication Manager
Friska Kalia, a woman of Bugis-Javanese descent born in 1990, has harbored a deep interest in communication from an early age. Starting her career as a Announcer before delving into journalism, Friska later relocated to Jakarta to serve as a news editor at KBR, one of Indonesia’s largest private radio news agencies. With over a decade of experience in journalism, she has frequently immersed herself in covering various issues, ranging from Diversity, Human Rights, Environment, to Culture. In addition to her role as a journalist, Friska is actively involved in numerous civil society organizations and movements.
Friska began her NGO career at Greenpeace Indonesia, specializing in Digital and Communication for Ocean Campaigns. Moreover, she often conducts workshops on copywriting, writing, and the fundamentals of digital communication in several local organizations and NGOs.
Digital Development Manager
After graduated from University of Indonesia majoring in Archaeology, Irdiansyah or known as Ian is starting his career as a project based Archaeologist in 2008, he developed a custom Data Portal using Visual Basic, SQL, Access and a website for the dissemination of the information. Since then, he become a self-taught coder and likes everything about tech stuff and digital.
Ian starts his tech and digital career professionaly in 2011 as a freelance web developer and digital ads. While doing freelancing in 2013, Ian also works in a commercial media in Jakarta. Ian formerly served as Digital Manager who managed the digital team (content producer, videographer, and graphic designer), manage digital infrastructure, planned and executed digital strategy to generate growth and revenue.
Since 2021, he serve in EcoNusa. Suggest, plan and setting up a secure yet flexible infrastructure and actively create and manage all EcoNusa’s websites; create digital interactive maps; and providing insight and executing digital marketing efforts. Ian also completing a Full Stack Data Science and Machine Learning Specialization. Until now he is still learning by building several data projects as in this links: a, b, c, dan d.
Head of Kaimana Office
I am often called alloy. After studying in Bogor. I worked more in the world of campus and community socio-economic research. Joining econusa is the best opportunity to work for the land of Papua.
Head Office Manokwari
Nelci Clarita Swasti Nenepat, was born in Soimianga village, Waropen Regency, Papua Province on October 15 1997. In 2020 he graduated as a forestry graduate at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Papua. From 2021 to 2022, he worked as Advocacy and Campaign staff at the NGO Panah Papua, whose activities were to advocate for communities in managing forests or customary areas. In 2023, he worked as a sub-professional individual consultant at the Regional Office of the Land Agency of West Papua Province, where his activities were to control and coordinate supporting staff at land offices in districts in West Papua Province in carrying out their duties for Community Land Empowerment.
I have a passion for learning and have a strong desire to try many new things, especially those related to the environment, forests and Papuan women. By joining and becoming part of the EcoNusa Foundation, I hope that I can gain a lot of knowledge that I can use to help others and be a blessing to other people, especially the indigenous Papuan people, in preserving and protecting the natural wealth given by God.
Marine and Fisheries Coordinator
Program Associate
Bachelor’s degree graduate of Forestry Department of Ottow Geissler University Papua in Jayapura. During his studies, Gidion was involved in the activities of the BEM organization at the Campus Level and also the Faculty Student Association at the Forestry Department level (HMJ) often campaigning for environmental issues and being directly involved in the field. After graduating in 2018, Gidion was contracted to be a companion for the Forest and Land Reforestation (RHL) activity in the Cycloop Mountains Nature Reserve Area in Jayapura in 2019. He has worked at (WRI Indonesia) World Resources Institute, Jayapura branch in 2020, 2021. He has worked at the Biodiversity Institute (KEHATI) of Ottow Geissler University Papua for the Survey of Flora and Fauna Potential in the Cycloop Mountains Nature Reserve, precisely in Yongsu Desoyo Village, Jayapura Regency, in 2022. He has worked at the Protected Forest Management Unit (KPHL) Unit VI TIMIKA.
Head of Regional Business Development of Tanah Papua
Muhammad Nur Mandirian Syah is often called Ian, joined EcoNusa as a Logistics Assistant Program for the EcoXplorer ship since 2021, before joining EcuNusa ian for about 6 years to deepen his knowledge of marine affairs at Papua State University UNIPA in Manokwari, campaigning with Bentara Papua in Manokwari for about 2 years, apart from that he was a volunteer campaigning with Greenpeace in 2010 and also joined local communities in terms of environmental action in Manokwari and activities from other UNIPA campuses.
After graduating from UNIPA in 2014, Ian was invited by Bustar Maitar (CEO of EcoNusa) to join in helping in the construction of the Kurabesi ship for about 2 years, after the ship was operational Ian was still trusted to help become the ship’s operational manager.
From there, Ian learned a lot about ship operations so that in 2021 I joined the EcoNusa ship in The EcoXplorer. Spending a lot of time at sea is a challenge that must be done with hard work.
Finance and Administration
Sheilla with her nickname Ella, is an alumnus of UNIPA Manokwari majoring in Indonesian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters. Since the last semester of college Ella has been very independent with her financial life. While studying at that time, Ella was a presenter at West Papua TV Manokwari, West Papua. She also served as a teaching assistant at UNIPA. After graduating from college, he continued his career by working with several schools on a part time system, until he served as the Principal of a private school in Timika-Papua. After persevering in the world of Education, Ella started to venture into joining a Non-Profit Organization for almost 6 years. Experience in several NGOs gave him the opportunity to explore several areas in Papua, starting from Timika, Jayapura, Keerom, Sarmi, Asmat, and Sorong. Initially Ella focused on the Monitoring and Evaluation of Programs at several NGOs, after that she moved to the Finance and administration department. Her hobby is singing. Ella joins several choir teams, and often takes part in PESPARAWI (Ecclesiastical Choir Festival) events. He also likes social activities, such as teaching children in the neighborhood who don’t know letters well, he teaches literacy to them. Prior to joining Econusa, Ella worked with the Noken Papua Foundation in Jayapura, Papua
Pelaksana Program Community, Government and Stakeholder Engagement
Kristian Adrian Renyaan adalah Staf Kantor EcoNusa wilayah kerja Sorong Raya, menempuh studi Budidaya Hutan di Universitas Negeri Papua. Telah berkecimpung di bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kampung dan Budidaya Pertanian selama 13 tahun. Kristian pernah bekerja di Program Pengembangan Kecamatan (PPK), Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Program Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (P3MD) dan Program Pembangunan Desa Mandiri Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan di Papua Barat. Membangun mitra kelembangaan masyarakat Kampung, Pembentukan BUMDES dan membangun pertanian yang inovatif dan berkelanjutan pernah dilakukan. “ Membangun Masyarakat Kampung harus dengan Iman dan hati yang tulus adalah mottonya
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer
Willy Sombuk, a graduate of Architectural Engineering at the University of Science & Technology Jayapura in 2013, focuses on developing project management. Joining the EcoNusa Foundation as Planning Monitoring Evaluation & Learning Officer, with a vision to become a person who is able to design, supervise, evaluate, and provide learning for strategic programs so that they have a long-term impact on the community.
In accordance with EcoNusa’s mission, namely “The community must be sovereign to manage its natural resources”, the role of PMEL Officer must be able to contribute to driving EcoNusa’s mission so that it can be achieved in Tanah Papua.
With the spirit to continue learning and developing capabilities within the scope of the project, Willy believes that EcoNusa is the right choice to continue to grow.
Communication and Creative Production Officer
Basthen Mandowen was born in Jayapura, West Papua in 1997. He spent his childhood in Polimac where his mother taught at a local school nearby and his father was a teacher in Boven Digoel Regency. After completing his compulsory education, he traveled to China and New Zealand to pursue a different educational path. Thanks to a full scholarship from the government of Papua Province, he graduated from Victoria University of New Zealand – Te Herenga Waka with a degree in Design Innovation, specializing in Design for Social Innovation and Film.
During his university studies, he focused on sustainable practices, creative collaboration, project management, product development, and critical system thinking. He was an active student and participated in both the Pasifika and Papuan Student Associations. He was awarded a scholarship, the Pasifika Student Award Scholarship, and had the opportunity to collaborate with the New Zealand National Museum – Te Papa Tongarewa to propose an interactive method to acquire knowledge of Polynesian Astronomy in 2022. In terms of work experience, he has worked as a kitchenhand, commercial cleaner, freelance, and cable technician. His experiences and skills led him to his first professional career as a Digital Marketing Specialist in a small local company in Wellington. In his free time, he enjoys hiking and taking pictures of landscapes as he has a deep appreciation for nature.
Program Associate
Pilipus is a graduate of the Marine Science Department of the University of Papua. Pilipus has the ability to implement Oceanography tools (Water Quality Parameters), and also has the ability to work in places far from urban areas for 6 months – 1 year. Pilipus has the ability to analyze Mangrove Forest vegetation, and also has the ability in community empowerment activities.
Administration, Operations and Logistics
Yosina Yuliana Rifurareani, usually called Inna, was born in Seribu Bakau Regency, precisely in Waren. Inna studied at the Sorong Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic and majored in Fisheries Cultivation Engineering. During college, Inna actively participated in campus activities and joined the Sorong Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic Taruna Senate organization. After graduating in 2021, Inna worked at a fisheries company, UD Piala Sorong and at PT YFIN International. Inna has a passion for working both individually and in a team, is disciplined, responsible and has a desire to learn new things related to marine affairs, fisheries, forests and nature. Inna’s hobbies are doing business, badminton, swimming, and diving. With the enthusiasm to continue learning and developing abilities, Inna believes that EcoNusa is the right choice to continue to grow and benefit many people.
Program Associate Eastern Indonesia Community Base Mangrove, Coastal and Marine
Muhamad Yani Mau has a Magister Degree at Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science. Yani has experience in the field of coastal ecosystem surveys (mangroves, coral, and seagrass) and mapping village areas, coastal and marine ecosystems. As Eastern Indonesia Community Based Mangrove, Coastal and Marine Associate Program at EcoNusa, Yani help to start several initiatives related to Mangrove, Biodiversity, Coastal and Marine in the Maluku Islands and Tanah Papua (Bird’s Head).
GIS and Research
Isma is a graduate of Forestry from Gadjah Mada University. During her studies, Isma applied the knowledge she gained by joining a nature lover organization, Mapagama. From Mapagama, Isma learned many things such as team activity and travel management, socio-cultural mapping and community service. To support her abilities in the field, Isma can also operate spatial data processing, such as (ArcGis, Qgis, etc.). Currently, Isma is part of EcoNusa as a GIS and Researcher focusing on the Crown Jewel Papua work area.
Business Development and Operations (KOBUMI)
Mira is originally from South Sulawesi. Currently, she chooses to focus and be part of the development of people’s businesses, especially in Eastern Indonesia, in order to realize an independent economy that has the value of inclusiveness. Her other interests would not be far from environmental, human rights and gender issues. Being Mira’s close friend is not difficult, just invite her to art exhibitions, cultural performances and orchestras.
Program Associate
Dirman Sampulawa, usually called La Gucci lives in Banda Naira, Dirman is one of the best graduates from The Learning Farm School (School of Organic Farming) in Cianjur, Cipanas District. Dirman is an active student at Banda Naira University in the Aquaculture Study program, he is also active in the Scout Movement with a Scout Coach license for basic proficient and advanced proficient. Now Dirman is entrusted as a program associate in Banda Naira to manage the Banda Naira Mandiri Cooperative as chairman of the Cooperative and coordinator in the Banda Islands.
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Officer
More than five years of experience in Monitoring & Evaluation positions in community economic empowerment programs in Eastern Indonesia, especially in the agriculture and livestock sectors. Has the ability to survey and process data for assessment needs and program impact assessment.
Admin, Operations and Youth
Suci Muhairan Eddy, who usually called Suci, was born and raised in the city of Ambon, Maluku. She is active in arts and sports, she once held the ambassador of the Moluccan language. Since knowing Econusa, especially the Penjaga Laut, she’s now active in campaigning for environmental issues and taking actions to protect the climate. That is the main reason why Suci joined the Econusa Foundation as an Administration Staff, Operational Office of the Maluku Office as well as the Coordinator of the Penjaga Laut Maluku.
PMEL Officer
Venan is a dedicated professional with over four years of experience in the empowerment sector. He spent three years as a Program Officer focused on Community Development and Empowerment in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Subsequently, Venan specialized in REALM (Research, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning, and Monitoring), beginning his service in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, with a focus on youth programs, livelihoods, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
His expertise includes program management, community engagement, and impact assessment, particularly in remote areas. Venan is passionate about addressing systemic challenges faced by indigenous communities and vulnerable groups. His vision is to create sustainable solutions that provide opportunities for indigenous communities to break free from poverty, enhance economic self-reliance, and improve their overall well-being.
Program Associate
Lora Tri Mallisa or usually called Lora was born and raised in Manokwari. Lora is a graduate of Gadjah Mada University, Forestry Study Program. Since vocational school until college, Lora has been active in environmental care activities. Enjoys learning new things and has an interest in the field of conservation, especially in community empowerment and wildlife. Lora is also an adventure enthusiast who enjoys the beauty of nature, while capturing beautiful moments through the camera lens.
Information and Technology (IT) Officer
Brian Hidayat Siswanto, usually called Brian, has 10 years of experience in the IT field, has worked as a Support Engineer, Network Engineer, IT Support, IT Infrastructure and most recently led a team that played the role of Head of IT. Has a very high interest in the world of IT, likes to unravel and learn new things in the world of technology, that’s why he has the motto “In the field of IT, we are eternal students”. Currently serving as an IT Officer at the EcoNusa Foundation, he hopes that his experience and expertise can help and accompany EcoNusa in carrying out all of its programs to achieve the organization’s vision and mission.
GIS Officer
Desy Natalia Waroka is a graduate of Bosowa University majoring in Urban and Regional Planning Engineering. In addition to studying the science of planning villages, cities, and regions, Desy also studied GIS which plays a very active role in providing various information as a consideration for making decisions in planning and describing the results of the planning in the form of map images.
Desy’s life motto “Pray, Strive, and Surrender”
Everyone has a calling and purpose in life, being in EcoNusa reminds us that life is to be a blessing for the little paradise of Papua.
Creative Designer
Rievki Pramuda atau biasa dipanggil dengan Iki memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang komunikasi dan desain kreatif sejak 2014. Sebelumnya ia bekerja di salah satu NGO konservasi di Kalimantan dan Jakarta mengenai pelestarian satwa liar dan pemberdayaan masyarakat adat. Saat waktu luang, ia menjalankan beberapa hobi seperti fotografi dan kuliner dan juga beberapa kali diikutsertakan dalam mengajar desain bagi anak-anak usia dini.
Program Associate
Her love for the world of conservation made Ningsih study Conservation since high school majoring in Natural Resources Conservation at the Manokwari State Forestry Vocational School. While in high school, Ningsih actively participated in several competitions related to environmental issues. One of them, Ningsih once represented Papua and Maluku in a youth role competition to protect the environment held by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Manggala Wanabakti and won 1st place.
Ningsih continued her Bachelor’s degree at Victory University majoring in Forestry, Ningsih also worked in between lectures. Ningsih has more than 5 years of experience and is directly involved in empowering Indigenous Papuans through several NGOs and carrying out several activities such as Livelihood which focuses on community development and mapping of the Indigenous Forest Community area in Papua covering Sorong Regency, South Sorong, Tambraw and Kebar as well as Marine Biodiversity conducting a survey monitoring dolphins, turtles, dugongs, whales and coral reefs in the Raja Ampat area and the Panura Sausapor beach.
Ningsih loves reading and writing. One of Ningsih’s writings is published in the journal “Public Perception of the Submission of Social Forestry for Village Forest Schemes in Sorong Regency”.
Ningsih’s life motto “who are we as humans under this sky, so that we want to judge our fellow humans” having differences in existence in the Land of Papua does not diminish the love for the Land of Papua.
Administration and Operations Assistant
Deyvenska Muskitta Cintya Magdalen, usually called Deyvi. Previously studied at Yogyakarta Duta Discourse Christian University (UKDW) Faculty of Biology. Since college she has been fond of activities related to youth, and has been involved in youth organizations within the JOY Fellowship Indonesia Foundation. Deyvi has joined EcoNusa since September 2021 as an Admin at the EcoNusa Kaimana Office. Prior to joining EcoNusa, Deyvi worked as an honorary employee at the Kaimana Regency Youth and Sports Education Office as a SiMDA Operator. As an extrovert, it’s not difficult for her to socialize with a new working environment. Being born and growing up in Kaimana made her love the Kaimana so much and she committed to continuing her career and building Kaimana with EcoNusa colleagues in the kaimana area but also EcoNusa in general.
Communication and Creative Production Officer
Megan Alexis, also known as Megan, is a Communication graduate at Binus University International. Since 2020, she has been actively engaged with various youth communities and organizations interested in spreading awareness and supporting ways to address climate change. Her love for nature and travel also fuels her interest in protecting the environment. Megan also has experience in photography and videography and is still continuously seeking opportunities to improve her craft.
Finance and Accounting Officer
Afiefah obtained Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB) with Forest Management as her major. Previously working in various International Organization projects in collaboration with Ministry of Environment and Forestry. High motivated individual, fast learner, and can work in any circumstances. She is aim to achieve a higher level of competence in management and finance, and keen desire to grow and learn more within EcoNusa. Well-versed in administrative, financial, strategic planning, and time management. She likes traveling around the world
Graphic Designer Lead
Puti Andini Setyaningsih or usually called Puti. Graduated from Jakarta State Polytechnic majoring in Graphic Design. Puti has worked in the Pandu Laut Nusantara as a Graphic Designer. Puti’s hobbies are cooking, painting, cycling, namjooning and traveling. She is a big fan of BTS.
General Support Assistant Ocean Program
Putri Febriantika Permata Sari, familiarly called Putri, is a graduate of Marine Science and Technology, IPB University. Putri has a high interest in various social and environmental initiatives, especially in the marine and coastal environment. Since studying, Putri has been active in various collaborative actions / movements to increase public awareness and concern for marine and coastal issues.
Human Resources and Administrator
Maria Pega Belangor, usually called Pega.
She came from East Flores and Central Java. She have experienced as HR and Administrative more than 4 years at Bina Desa Foundation and other non-profit organisation. Her motto is “Doing small work well will train us to be able to complete big work perfectly”.
Senior Operation Administration
Debi is a professional with a background in the non-profit and banking sectors. Since 2013, she has been actively involved in various initiatives aimed at creating positive societal impacts, particularly in addressing environmental issues. Her passion for sustainability drives her commitment to making a difference through various organizations.
Possessing strong skills in communication, data analysis, project management, and research, she is dedicated to continuous learning and actively seeks opportunities to develop her expertise. With a diverse background and a collaborative spirit, she is eager to tackle new challenges and contribute to team success.