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Defending Paradise

Please let’s protect in Indonesia to help protect these amazing creatures

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H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’

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I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.

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Tetap menjaga dan melindungi burung surga ini (burung cendrawasih), jangan memburu dan menjual-belikan???

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These incredible creatures are a sign of a healthy habitat! Protecting their habitat protects all of us.

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I say this whole heartedly that we are born in this Earth to do something good. Each and every person is special and we must do everything we can to

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So many kind of birds was difficult to find in our environment and in their originally habitats.. But some of them we find in the bird Market or in the

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Papua dan Maluku tanpa Cendrawasih, kehilangan identitas. Cendrawasih tanpa hutan hujan tropis, hilang rumah, hilang keberadaan.

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Please consider the importance of sustainability over money. You can’t put a value on diversity or negotiate with nature, Gods gift and life support. Our planet is alive – please

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Tropical rainforest and it’s biodiversity is critical for fighting climate change. It’s a property of humanity and we all must defend it. I am in full support of #DefendingParadise campaign.

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Je supporte les bird of paradise comme je supporte l’ensemble de la faune et de la flore parce que nous devrions tous le faire, nous en faisons partie intégrante.

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Mari jaga dan lindungi Cendrawasih dari segala ancaman kepunahan , baik ancaman dari luar maupun dalam. Biarkan cendrawasih hidup bebas di alam bukan sebagai hiasan di kepala maupun di dinding

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We simply must do everything we can to protect Papua and Maluku Rainforest and the incredible wildlife that calls it home. We owe it to these beautiful creatures to honour

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I support the protection of the habitat for the amazing birds of paradise! These birds are living miracles!

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