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Defending Paradise

I want to help protect the rainforests

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Cendrawasih is not just an animal but it’s a part of our lives. They are our identity. We can’t lose them. So, Let’s protect our rainforest as a home of

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I’m lending my support to this conservation campaign because the rainforests of Papua new Guinea is one of the most unique ecosystems of the planet. The birds of paradise is

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Birds are the real fascinating creatures by Nature. They have a main role to maintain our ecosystem e.g, they maintain the population of insects, helps in polination and many other

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The birds of paradise are a beacon of hope for all biodiversity in the world. These incredible animals represent one of the last remaining wildernesses on our planet. To protect

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For the future of Indonesia and our planet. You said it all, thanks !

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With all that we know about the devastating impact we have already made on this planet, how could we choose to do anything other than protect and preserve what is

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I don’t have words for how seeing the birds of paradise makes me feel, I think I feel very jealous. I know it’s difficult to balance human needs with those

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We need to protect the rainforest not only for the birds of paradise but everyone. Once it’s gone and you realise you need it, it’s too late.

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Please protect the rainforest habitat that these beautiful birds need to survive and also please protect the birds Sir David Attenborough quite rightly rates seeing these stunning birds in real

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Selamatkan Cendrawasih tergantung kita, Lakukan sekarang atau menyesal seumur hidup. Mari sama-sama menjaga habitat Cendrawasih di Tanah Papua

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This is the time to do everything we can to save our planet and the beautiful creatures that inhabit it. We only have one Earth and we must protect it!

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Dear M.Bezos Space is ok but i’d much rather you helped save the planet we’re living on and especially that tiny part where forests and their birds make paradise alive.

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