It’s like someone goes to your house then walk into your family then just we claim it then your violence as trespassing on their land but your the bad person no thanks.
Love nature! Love birds! Love paradise! En
Home » defendingparadise » It’s like someone goes to
It’s like someone goes to your house then walk into your family then just we claim it then your violence as trespassing on their land but your the bad person no thanks.
Love nature! Love birds! Love paradise! En
Tropical rainforest and it’s biodiversity is critical for fighting climate change. It’s a property of humanity and we all must defend it. I am in full support of #DefendingParadise campaign.
Life is worthy when we respect and protect the diversity, the planet is our home but not only for us but for all life on earth, the future is uncertain,
I hope rainforest Papua and Maluku stay always natural, and we can still see the birds of paradise.
Defending forests is defending is life! Congratulations and good luck!
Hello! It is not even an option to preserve the biodiversity and natural state of this area. It’s an absolute must! In the time of a mass extinction and sever
I’m so happy to see this initiative to protect these amazing beautiful birds. I will happily provide hands on help where required. We really need to protect their habitats from
This is a support message for all endangered animals in Indonesia from Ami Juandi Husin’s “sekolah pirate” (an informal art school) , performed by Indonesian children with their own crafted
Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.
Selamatkan Cendrawasih tergantung kita, Lakukan sekarang atau menyesal seumur hidup. Mari sama-sama menjaga habitat Cendrawasih di Tanah Papua
I’ve been fascinated with bird-of-paradise my whole life and it all started with me as a kid cutting out the images of the bird-of-paradise in my great-grandmothers dictionary. Bird-of-paradise have
This is the time to do everything we can to save our planet and the beautiful creatures that inhabit it. We only have one Earth and we must protect it!
I support this initiative because I want this world to be a better place for all spicies.
Tak akan terjdi kerusakan alam kecuali oleh manusia. Saya ingin jadi bagian dari pemelihara kelestariannya
Birds of Paradise are some of my favorite creatures and they always leave me in wonder at their stunning colors, dances, and displays. These wonderful animals and their habitat must