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Defending Paradise

What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no return!

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Defending Birds-Of-Paradise is absolutely imperative, these unique majestic species of birds are no where else in the world. Every time I look at these birds, their behaviors, it amazes me

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To the people of indonesia: you can see all the parts of Aisa that are debeloped. What have they gained? They have gained a modern way of life of stress

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Mari jaga hutan agar supaya masih hijau dan rimba, juga burung cenderawasih yang sangat indah itu

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These birds of paradise are so beautiful and unique creations of God that they should be a considered a treasure by the entire world. And every effort must be done

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Lets save our earth. Jadikan Bumi sebagian dari diri kita. Jaga bumi tetap lestari agar hidup kita tercukupi. Mulailah dari hal yang kecil dan mudah. Jangan biarkan bumi So Hot,

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Tetap menjaga dan melindungi burung surga ini (burung cendrawasih), jangan memburu dan menjual-belikan???

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With all that we know about the devastating impact we have already made on this planet, how could we choose to do anything other than protect and preserve what is

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I wholeheartedly support this initiative. We need to preserve the forrests, and save these beautiful creatures.

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I am very happy that my Bird-of-Paradise photos and videos are being used in this EcoNusa campaign.  I believe that Birds-of-Paradise are the perfect ambassadors to bring the world’s attention

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If we don’t do anything to protect them, no one will ever know they existed. And more importantly protect their environment.

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The birds-of-paradise are one of the great wonders of the natural world and I am fortunate to have been able to document and study them in the wild through my

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I’ve been fascinated with bird-of-paradise my whole life and it all started with me as a kid cutting out the images of the bird-of-paradise in my great-grandmothers dictionary. Bird-of-paradise have

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They’re one of my favorite birds ever, and they have a special place in my heart. They just make me happy!

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Such unique, beautiful birds deserve their special preserved paradise! That paradise needs to safe, sustainable and healthy. Hope we can keep all the species of birds animals, flora and fauna

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