Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.
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Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.
The value of forests cannot be overstated. From the oxygen we breathe to the wood we consume, we rely on forests for survival. Forests, in addition to providing habitat for
You have paradise. Please take good care of it and reject any offers that will destroy it.
Tanah Papua dan Maluku kaya dengan keindahan alamnya terutama habitat cendrawasih dan habitat unik lainnya yang terdapat di dalam hutannya. Dengan kesadaran diri, mari kita bersama menjaga agar terhindar dari
Birds-of-paradise are among the most intriguing and diverse families of birds, that truly represent the unique amalgamation of abiotic and biotics factors throughout Indonesia papua, Papua New Guinea, and eastern
Let’s protect birds of paradise and their habitat. They are an essential part of the Earth.
Let’s take part to protect our Paradise! #DefendingParadise
Rainforests must be protected if Birds of Paradise and other wildlife are to remain on this planet. Our humanity will be diminished if we allow these species to disappear.
Papua dan Maluku tanpa Cendrawasih, kehilangan identitas. Cendrawasih tanpa hutan hujan tropis, hilang rumah, hilang keberadaan.
I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.
I support saving the habitat for birds of paradise with my whole heart. I have done bird protection work in the past and would be interested in doing fieldwork as
The land of birds of paradise is a planet’s sanctuary of biodiversity, wisdom of animal evolution, wonder and beauty. It is Nature at it’s best, we have to preserve this
Such unique, beautiful birds deserve their special preserved paradise! That paradise needs to safe, sustainable and healthy. Hope we can keep all the species of birds animals, flora and fauna
I visited the Raja Ampat and had an encounter with a bird of paradise in the forest with the help of the local guide. I can only give all my
All birds are threatened everywhere on the planet, moreover when its habitat is only in a tiny part of the world, as it is the case for red bird of
Save Bird of Paradise Save forest Save NATUREIt means save HUMAN.