I like nature as well as animals
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I like nature as well as animals
Tanah Papua dan Maluku kaya dengan keindahan alamnya terutama habitat cendrawasih dan habitat unik lainnya yang terdapat di dalam hutannya. Dengan kesadaran diri, mari kita bersama menjaga agar terhindar dari
We have to creat back the reforestation to preserve our world from catastrope the lost rain forest here in my country philippines.
gerakan #DefendingParadise ini sangat baik di tengah minimnya kesadaran para generasi muda untuk menjaga alam yang kita miliki. sudah saatnya kita membuka wawasan dan pikiran, betapa pentingnya menjaga hutan yang
I wholeheartedly support this initiative. We need to preserve the forrests, and save these beautiful creatures.
Birds of Paradise are some of my favorite creatures and they always leave me in wonder at their stunning colors, dances, and displays. These wonderful animals and their habitat must
To bird-of-paradise, if vanishing greedy and selfish people in the world can protect your beings, I’ll be Thanos!!!@raninamserna
I’m so happy to see this initiative to protect these amazing beautiful birds. I will happily provide hands on help where required. We really need to protect their habitats from
We’ve lost so much already – we cannot afford to lose more.
Semoga tidak terjadi pengrusakan seperti di Kalimantan
H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
Please protect this precious irreplaceable habitat for its unique wildlife.
What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no
I like get information
Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.