Currently, the Covid-19 pandemic has spread throughout Indonesia, including in Papua. Reporting from Covid-19.kemenkes.go.id, Covid-19 has infected 4,162 people in Papua Province and 941 people in West Papua Province. This pandemic certainly has a serious impact on everyday life. Distance education and curfews were introduced. There is no gathering together like before. A joint effort is needed to reduce the Covid-19 number in the Land of Papua.
For that, the EcoNusa Foundation invites all of you to help prevent Covid-19 together! Through this pocket book, you can find out everything about Covid-19, starting from how it is transmitted, signs and symptoms, how to prevent it from spreading, how to maintain endurance, to socializing guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Check out more information by downloading the COVID-19 PREVENTION POCKET BOOK, compiled by the EcoNusa Foundation team: