EcoNusa Foundation intends to magnify and amplify a more constructive narrative of Papua to the outer of the region. Meanwhile, capacity building is carried out on the grass root level through communication strategy development in collaboration with all stakeholders and its local partners. This is deemed very strategic role to EcoNusa Foundation. It is expected that the intensive communication and stakeholder engagement will serve as trust building process at all level so as to create a constructive intervention, despite the challenge. The purpose is that the positive narrative of the Land of Papua is acceptable and comprehensible to the outer world of the Land of Papua.
Upon realizing the ideas and concern with the Land of Papua, EcoNusa Foundation has made every effort to expose the Land of Papua from a more natural perspective on the natural resources and local community. Land of Papua is resource-rich region with its embedded natural resources, biodiversity, culture and community. The entire potentials should have safeguard measure due to the looming threats which will jeopardize them when they are left unobserved. Extractive corporation always considers forest, nature and sea in Papua with their remarkable economic potentials ultimate target. These potentials, on the other hand, is the Indonesian forest last and imperative buffer for the local community and the balancer of the changing climate.
The deep-rooted narrative of underprivileged Papua with its various negative stigma should be transformed into positive narrative along with constructive facts on the ground. Papua has so far been associated with news coverage on security, political, sectarian, malnutrition issues and the likes. Whereas, Papua has in fact many more positive narrative on success stories and local wisdom which correlates with the sustainable ecological functions that has been under perilous threats. EcoNusa Foundation has imperative responsibility to contribute to the development of the Land of Papua with alternative narrative on forest, sea, culture, natural and human resources.
Considering the fact, EcoNusa Foundation intends to magnify and amplify a more constructive narrative of Papua to the outer of the region. Meanwhile, capacity building is carried out on the grass root level through communication strategy development in collaboration with all stakeholders and its local partners. This is deemed very strategic role to EcoNusa Foundation. It is expected that the intensive communication and stakeholder engagement will serve as trust building process at all level so as to create a constructive intervention, despite the challenge. The purpose is that the positive narrative of the Land of Papua is acceptable and comprehensible to the outer world of the Land of Papua.