
Youth Actions for Climate Protection Were Conducted in 521 Locations Across Indonesia

Youth plays important role in protecting the earth from climate change. EcoNusa supports Penjaga Laut, a volunteer-based youth community, to implement Youth Actions for Climate Protection (Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim/AMJI) every Youth Pledge Day since 2021. In its third year, AMJI was held on the 95th anniversary of the Youth Pledge in 521 locations from Sumatra to Papua Island. Thousands of volunteers carry out various activities such as planting thousands of mangrove seedlings, sowing thousands of mangrove seedlings, cleaning up rubbish, transplanting and adopting coral reefs, using non-emission transportation, distributing tree seeds and plant foods, as well as environmental themed discussions. AMJI 2023 was initiated by EcoNusa, Penjaga Laut, EcoDefender, Indonesian Scout Movement, Indorelawan Jejakin and Trilogy Ocean Restoration with support from more than 90 collaborators of young people’s communities, government institutions and corporation.

Text: Nur Alfiyah | Photos: Penjaga Laut

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