
The Training of Wild Boar Meet Sausage Processing in Collaboration with Lingkar Jerat Cooperative in Kalawasi District, Sorong, Southwest Papua

The Lingkar Jerat Papua Cooperative as a community-based economic institution is engaged in the production of several wild boar meat products. Not only processed as the cut meat, wild boar meat that received by the Lingkar Jerat Papua Cooperative from local communities, are also processed into pork sausages which are branded as “Bleef”.

On March 20, 2022, the cooperative conducted a Wild Boar Sausage Processing Training, supported by the EcoNusa Foundation. This training was carried out to increase the capacity of local communities and its cooperative members, in processing raw materials into derivative products that have added value economically and can reach a wider market. This training was attended by 13 people consisting of administrators, supervisors and cooperative members. Trainers and partners of the Lingkar Jerat Papua Cooperative also attended to have the tester of these sausages.

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