
The community-led coconut processing initiative brings positive economic benefit in Onggoya Village

The Temba Depuk group (Marind Kanum language: new shoots) is the group behind the production of virgin coconut oil (VCO) and coconut cooking oil from Onggaya Village, Naukenjerai District, Merauke Regency, Jayapura. This group of eight women and two men process the coconuts in the village to add value to the coconut and earn alternative income from it. Moved by the target to build a reading house in 2021, the enthusiasm of this women group to produce coconut processing products continues. With the support of GPI Klasis Merauke and EcoNusa Foundation, the VCO and coconut oil that they produced are marketed to Merauke and surrounding areas and the group members are able to gain alternative income.

Text: Nur Arinta | Photo: Maryo Saputra Sanuddin

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