
Taro Harvest in Klaflum Village, Sorong

Klaflum village community in Konhir District, Sorong Regency held taro harvest, Tuesday, 7 December 2023. Approximately 2.5 tons of taro were harvested from 500 taro plants. Besides, they brought that taro to consume with their family, they also sold the taro.

The taro harvest in Klaflum Village is the result of the Social Transformation School program held by EcoNusa Foundation in Konhir District in 2022. With support from EcoNusa, Klaflum Village Government, Sorong Regency Government, Klaflum community planted 5,000-6,000 taro seedling plants in agricultural land of approximately 1 hectare in 2022. After a year of cultivation, the community harvested those taro gradually to ensure the continuity of the sales process. On this occation, EcoNusa team also provided areca nut betara seeds for the community to cultivate.

Text: Nur Alfiyah | Photos: Roberto Yekwam

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