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Strengthening Food Security: MoU Between Perum Bulog Maluku-North Maluku and PT KOBUMI

Perum Bulog Maluku-North Maluku and PT Ekosistem Bumi Lestari (KOBUMI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on July 11, 2024, in Ambon. This partnership aims to enhance logistical distribution to communities in Maluku Province, focusing on ensuring food security and supporting local farmers through commodities such as Nutmeg, Clove, and Chocolate.

PT KOBUMI, a significant buyer in the commodity business from indigenous communities, is a strategic partner for Perum Bulog Maluku-North Maluku in strengthening the economic self-reliance of communities in the region. This MoU signifies a mutual commitment to bolstering food security and supporting local economic development through effective collaboration in logistical distribution and agricultural business development.

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