In 2023, the Plastic Free Parade celebrates its fifth year. The march commenced at Bendungan Hilir and proceeded to Bundaran HI during Car Free Day in Jakarta on Sunday, 30th July 2023. This collective effort aimed to voice out three crucial points. Firstly, it encouraged the government to implement a complete ban on single-use plastics while promoting the adoption of re-use practices as a sustainable solution. Secondly, the campaign sought to urge the government to enhance the waste management system for better environmental preservation. Lastly, it aimed to hold producers and business actors accountable for post-consumption waste. The Plastic Free Parade is a collaborative initiative led by EcoNusa, Divers Clean Action, Indo Relawan, Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik, Greenpeace, Walhi, Pulau Plastik, and Pandu Laut Nusantara.