
Media Discussion Road to #AksiMudaJagaIklim 2023

#AksiMudaJagaIklim (Youth Action for Climate Protection) is making a comeback on October 28, 2023. In preparation for this collaborative voluntary-based action, a discussion with the media and our valued partners were initiated. More than 50 participants are actively engaged in an enriching conversation. The event was graced by inspiring speakers, including Pina Ekalipta, Head of the River Basin Management Agency (BPDAS) Citarum Ciliwung, Asep Senjaya, Asper/KBKPH Serang, Nina Nuraisyah, Director of Communication and Youth Mobilization EcoNusa Foundation, Fakhri N. Syafrullah, the Impact Manager of, Gresy Kristriana, the Project Officer Indorelawan, and Yolanda Parede, the National Coordinator of Penjaga Laut.

Text: Swiny Adestika | Photos: David Herman Jaya & Moch. Fikri

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