
Mangrove Badge Invites Maluku Islands Scouts to Preserve Coastal Ecosystems

The Maluku Islands is an area dominated by coastal ecosystems. It is important for young people, including Scouts, to take part and contribute to its conservation efforts to sustain human livelihood and mitigate climate crisis. In collaboration with the National Scout Council, EcoNusa Foundation socialized “Mangrove Badge Challenge” at Tiakur Multipurpose Building, Southwest Maluku Regency during the Plenary Meeting of Southwest Maluku Scout Council on October 17-19, 2023. Mangrove badge is one of the skills that can be obtained by Scouts from the Siaga to Pandega levels, which contains knowledge content to increase Scout awareness in preserving mangrove ecosystems. After previously being applied by Scouts in Ambon City, Central Ambon, and West Seram, now the mangrove badge challenge will also be applied by Scouts in the Southwest Maluku region.

Narasi: Nur Arinta | Foto: Gadri Ramadhan Attamimi

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