
Viewing the Dangers of Disposable Plastic and the Role of Youth in Supporting Healthy Seas

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

The Econusa Foundation Marine Program in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia invites young people to take part in the fight against disposable plastic waste in the ocean in the Sail to Campus webinar series: “Viewing the Dangers of Disposable Plastic and the Role of Youth in Supporting Healthy Seas” on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 at 14.00 WIB on the ZOOM application through registration at bit.ly/STCUI and can be watched live on YouTube EcoNusa TV.

This discussion responds to concerns about the richness of Indonesia’s marine ecosystems which now face the threat of the dangers of plastic waste, especially disposable plastics that are harmful to marine ecosystems and biota. Research by Jenna Jambeck, a researcher at the University of Georgia, United States in 2015 stated that Indonesia is the second largest contributor of plastic waste in the world.

Webinar presents
Keynote Speaker:
Ir. Andono Warih, M.Sc., (Head of DKI Jakarta Environment Agency).

– Syaharani, (Coordinator for the Socio-Political Sector of BEM FH UI 2020).
– Switenia Puspa Lestari (influencer and CEO of Divers Clean Action).
– Tiza Mafira (Influencer and CEO of the Indonesian Movement for Plastic Bags Diet).

Prof. M. R. Andri Gunawan Wibisana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D. (Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and Professor of Environmental Law).

Moderated by Sumardi “Aree” Ariansyah from the Econusa Foundation.

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