Monday, 20 July 2020

The high level of fish exploitation, habitat destruction of fish resources, pollution and pollution of territorial waters of WPPNRI 712 resulted in a decrease in the quality and stock of fish resources accompanied by a decrease in catches and changes in population structure.
Based on the decree of KEPMENKP No.79 of 2016 concerning the Republic of Indonesia Fisheries Management Plan 712, the level of utilization of fish resources in WPPNRI 712 is largely in the status of over-exploited. This problem needs to get attention, especially for the coastal areas of Lampung.
The Econusa Foundation Marine Program in cooperation with the University of Lampung invites young people to support the strengthening of policies to create healthy seas through the Online Discussion “Sail to Campus, Strengthening Fisheries Management WPP 712 Specifically Lampung Eastern Coast in a Multi-Fisheries Approach”.
Online discussions will be held on:
Day: Monday, July 20, 2020
At: 13.00 WIB
Through the ZOOM and Youtube Applications
Presenting speakers:
1. M. Zulficar Mochtar, S.T, M.Sc (Director General of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries)
2. Dr. Ir. Luky Adrianto, M.Sc. (Chair of the Fisheries and Marine Sciences College Leadership Forum / EAFM Expert)
3. Dr. Ir. Abdullah Aman Damai, M.Sc. (Coastal Management Expert, University of Lampung)
4. Bayu Wirata (Head of Lampung HNSI)
Moderated by Rara Diantari M.Sc, FP Lecturer at Lampung University
Hosted by Retno Kaniraras, EcoNusa
Zoom Link:
Contact Person:
Ari (081918921921)
Cinthia (085716697248)