Monday, 16 November 2020

After taking a voyage from island to island in eastern Indonesian waters to gather solidarity, Monday, November 16 2020, the #EkspedisiMalukuEcoNusa ship will lean on Banda & Naira Island, one of the islands in the Maluku region that holds traces of history and extraordinary natural beauty.
#EksedisiMalukuEcoNusa will chat with friends in Banda Naira about the plastic monsters that roam the ocean. We believe that fighting big monsters requires strength from many parties, including all friends.
Friends of EcoNusa in Banda Naira, let’s join us in a discussion about environmental conditions and pollution of single-use plastic waste on the coasts of Banda & Naira Island with STP & STKIP Hatta Sjahrir Banda Neira, in the Des Alwi Hall, Campus A, Hatta-Sjahrir, Monday 16 Nov 2020 at 09.00 WIT.
Don’t let the charm of Banda & Neira Island be damaged by single-use plastic waste.
See you later!