
Online Discussion Series: In Celebration of Earth Day 2020

Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Zoom Online

Earth Day which is celebrated every April 22nd is the right moment to invite the people of Indonesia at large and especially young people in the city of Makassar to be able to find out more about the impacts that can be caused by plastic waste to the environment and how should an environmentally friendly lifestyle at the time fasting later before the enactment of the PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) in Makassar on April 24. With the situation of developing COVID-19 pandemic and PSBB conditions in Makassar City, it will at least have an impact on the lifestyle of Ramadan, especially when breaking the fast.

Departing from this, the Econusa Foundation, Pandu Laut and the Marine Conservation Foundation (YKL) will collaborate again in online discussions regarding the issue of plastic waste in the city of Makassar. When in the current PSBB situation, this discussion can later provide information about the minimal lifestyle plastic waste that can be applied in community life activities that will soon enter the month of Ramadan and perform fasting. In addition, he also wants to support the Makassar City government to strengthen the policy of reducing disposable plastic waste in Makassar in the future. These three points are the main theme of the discussion that will be held with the Makassar City Environment Agency and the community as an effort to support the government in reducing 70 percent disposable plastic waste in 2025.

What do you know about Green Ramadhan? How to live a green lifestyle during Ramadhan, especially during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic? Let’s find out!


  • H. A. Iskandar, S.E., M.M (Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Makassar)
  • Nirwan Dessibali (Direktur Yayasan Konservasi Laut (YKL) Indonesia
  • Lita Hendratno (Finalis Miss Scuba indonesia 2017)


  • Ainun Qalbi Mutmainah (Ketua Komunitas Zero Waste Makassar)

Place & Time: Zoom Online, 19:00 WIB, 20:00 WITA.

Register: bit.ly/BumiRamadhan20

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