Friday, 17 July 2020

Traveling becomes a lifestyle that is increasingly favored by people. However, along with the increase in tourist activity, environmental damage around tourist destinations has also increased. That was as a result of the low awareness of tourists to preserve the environment in the tourist area.
One solution to minimize environmental damage in tourist areas is to implement ecotourism, which is a form of tourism practices that combine tourism and conservation. With ecotourism, tourists and tour operators are required to be responsible for protecting and preserving the environment.
The EcoNusa Foundation in collaboration with Mr & Ms LSPR, LSPR 4C, and Bhamahira LSPR held a webinar titled “Being an Eco Traveler” and invited the younger generation to be wise when traveling.
Webinar presents speakers:
– Arie S Suhandi, Founder of INDECON (Indonesian Ecotourism Network)
– Aloysius Numberi, Associate Program of Natural Resources Management for the Land of Papua
Jeni Karay, Commodity Ambassador of Papua & West Papua
Day: Friday, July 17, 2020
O’clock: 4:00 p.m. – finished
Platform: Zoom Webinar
For further information, contact
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