March – April 2023

Youth Camp is back! EcoDefender in support of EcoNusa will conduct a series of Youth Camps in several areas in the land of Papua and Maluku island to recruit young conservation cadres. These 3-day capacity building activities aim to increase the sense of crisis in young people especially on environmental protection as well as discussing adaptive solutions that align with their local values of sustainability. Youth camp in Ambon is called “Kewang Muda”. Kewang is the designation for local tradition leaders in Maluku that also act as environmental protectors both in forest and marine ecosystems.
15-25 young people are targeted to participate in every session at the Youth Camp. Intensive sessions on leadership, ecology crisis, mobile journalism, community organizing as well as building concepts and implementing actions will be presented to the participants. As a follow up, all participants will get intensive assistance to become champions that are able to lead other individuals to take part in forest and marine ecosystems protections. Through this activity, all participants are targeted to be able to share and communicate the climate crisis impacts with videos and photos in their social media accounts.
Save the dates for Youth Camp series:
1. Kewang Muda in Bumi Perkemahan Suli Village, Ambon, Central Maluku, 8 – 11 March 2023.
2. Youth Camp (Kemah Pemuda) in Pulo Tareba, Takome Subdistrict, Ternate, 10-12 March 2023.
3. Youth Camp (Kemah Pemuda) in Lemon Island, Manokwari, West Papua, 30 March – 2 April 2023.
4. Youth Camp (Kemah Pemuda) in Jayapura (tbc).