Thursday, 23 April 2020

Curious as to how the Village Climate in Tanah Papua becomes an opportunity to develop an adaptation program supporting food and energy security and climate change mitigation that supports emission reduction at the site level?
Come join the discussion with the theme “Building a Climate Village Program in the Land of Papua” which was held on:
?️ Thursday, April 23, 2020
⏰ 10.00 WIB
?: Zoom, Youtube (EcoNusa TV), Facebook (EcoNusa Foundation)
With resource persons:
1. Prof. Charlie D. Heatubun, Head of Balitbangda of West Papua Province
2. Dra Sri Tantri Arundhati MSc, Director of Climate Change Adaptation-Directorate General of Climate Change.
3.Prianto, SHut, M.Sc, Head of Climate Change & Forest Fire Control Center (PPIKHL)
4. Yoseph Watopa, SE. M. Ling. Program Manager of the Intsia Foundation, Papua