Monday, 11 May 2020

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, almost all of us became less productive because they had to follow the government’s recommendations to conduct physical distancing or independent isolation to prevent transmission. Meeting the needs of life during a pandemic becomes a challenge in itself, so people need to build community resilience. What does it mean to build community resilience?
For those who don’t understand, building community resilience means restructuring social and environmental life that is resilient or resilient to various shocks. In this case for example natural disasters, economic crises or epidemics that are currently happening. So, if a shock occurs, the community is able to help themselves so they can avoid the poverty trap. That way, after the shock has been overcome, the community can recover soon.
After thoroughly discussing the concept of Community Resilience in session 1, the next discussion will discuss resilience approaches and methodologies. What is the discussion like? Don’t forget to follow EcoNusa Foundation’s online discussion series with the theme “Building Resilience of Citizens” The 2nd session will be held on:
?️: Monday, May 11, 2020
⏰: 13.00 WIB I 15.00 WIT
?: ZOOM & Youtube (Econusa TV)
By inviting 3 speakers, namely:
1. Ahmad Mahmudi, LPTP (Institute for Rural Technology Development) Surakarta
2. Dony Hendro Cahyono, General Secretary of INSIST (Indonesian Society for Social Transformation) Yogyakarta
3. Yanuarius Anouw, the Bentara Papua Association
Carmelita Mamonto, Program Coordinator of the SEI and Maluku Region EcoNusa Foundation