Monday, 18 May 2020

“Our Solution Is in Nature” is a theme carried on World Biodiversity Day which falls on 22 May.
As a mega-biodiversity country, Indonesia has 17% of the total biodiversity in the world. However, in an effort to protect biodiversity, it is not immune to the many problems, threats and challenges that must be faced.
Come on, follow the inspirational stories of Indonesian youth in protecting the forest and the sea by joining the EcoNusa Foundation Online Discussion Series on the theme “Youth Keep the Sea and Forest” to be held on:
?️ Monday, May 18, 2020
⏰ 14.00 WIB | 16:00 WITA
?: ZOOM & Youtube (Econusa TV)
By presenting 3 speakers, namely:
1. Andi Leo Karubaba, Ecotourism Activist
2. Lia Putrinda, Founder of the Bhakti Alam Sendang Biru Foundation (Clungup Mangrove Conservation)
3. Indraka Fadhlillah, Co-founder and COO of Aruna
And moderated by Endang Retnowati as Ocean EcoNusa Associate Program.
Don’t miss it! Register yourself now, let’s go! Registration can be done via the link above.